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By creating an account you will be able to access the following site features:


Configurator:  You will be able to create, save and share product configurations.

Projects folder:  You will be able to access your saved confgurations by project name.

Favourites:  You will be able to create a favourite products list.


We respect your privacy. We are not one of those companies that will sell or share your personal information, and we do not monitor, record or use your personal browsing history for marketing purposes or any other purpose.  We will not bombard you with emails, you will only receive an account activation email from us, and will added to our news letter, which you you may unscribe from when you choose. 

Note: The activation email may go to your Junk/spam folder. You will need to move it to your Inbox in order to access the activation link.

If you are having trouble setting up your profile, you may email us at or call us at 1-866-793-1174. 

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